
Serving the Airline Industry



Media Training and Communications

McCartney is a veteran national reporter who can train corporate executives to deliver clean, sharp messages and practice being interviewed under pressure. He works with corporate communications departments to respond quickly and effectively to media inquiries and hone social media messaging. He’s available for executive speechwriting assignments and messaging for labor campaigns, government relations and community engagement.

Speaking and Conferences

A prominent industry influencer for more than two decades, Scott McCartney is available for speaking at internal leadership meetings, conferences and conventions and customer gatherings. He has served as Master of Ceremony at major events, led panels and fireside chats with CEOs and been a keynote speaker at conferences around the world. He has global experience on stage at aviation conferences and can lead anything from panel discussions to all-day events with humor and insight.

  • What travelers want.
  • Attributes of successful airlines, and successful CEOs, compared to those less-successful.
  • How travel has been changed by the pandemic.
  • The history of how airlines, airports, hotels and loyalty programs evolved.
  • How difficult the push toward sustainable travel will be.
  • How media covers airlines and travel, and why it’s now nonstop.
  • Airport design, services and amenities that matter to travelers.

Strategic Advising

McCartney studied airlines for nearly three decades. He had the unique opportunity to learn how different airlines operated, how multiple revenue management departments priced tickets, how various frequent flier programs related to customers. He learned the airline business from Herb Kelleher, Bob Crandall, Gordon Bethune, Bob Baker and other legends. He understands customers, labor and government. He understands what separates successful management teams from less-successful, and now can bring that experience to airlines.


Middle Seat LLC offers research projects for airlines, airports, hotels and other travel companies evaluating customer interactions, new ideas and initiatives, and actions by competitors. We can bring fresh eyes to investigating operational issues and identifying pain points for travelers. We can survey customers and report on responses and reactions from different types of travelers. We can analyze actions by competitors and help develop plans to win markets.